Immunization FAQ

  1. What are the approved immunization training programs for pharmacists?
  • American Pharmacist Association (APhA)
  • University of Findlay School of Pharmacy
  • University of Florida College of Pharmacy
  • University of Connecticut
  • North Eastern University
  • Ohio Pharmacist Association
  • University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
  • University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
  • CE Impact Pharmacy Immunization Training Program

2.  What are Board approved immunization training programs for pharmacy technicians?

  • American Pharmacists Association
  • CEImpact – Immunization Administration Training for Pharmacy Technicians
  • FreeCE (PharmCon) – Pharmacy Technician Enhanced Training: Immunization
  • Michigan Pharmacists Association/Pharmacy Association, Inc.
  • Powell Health – Immunization Administration: Overview and Updates in the World of Immunizations
  • PTU Elite: Immunizations
  • Purdue University College of Pharmacy/Walmart – Immunization Training for the Pharmacy Technician
  • Kentucky Pharmacy Education and Research Foundation (KPERF) (formerly adminstered by Sullivan University) – Pharmacy Technician Immunization Administration Training 


  1. What are the approved CPR programs?

BLS course cards dated for completion on or after January 1, 2023, must have a hands-on component for successful renewal of the Immunizing Pharmacist Permit, Intern, or Pharmacy Technician.

  • American Red Cross
  • American Heart Association
  • American Health & Safety Institute (December 2013)
  • American CPR  (December 2013)
  • National Safety Council  (December 2013)
  • Emergency Care & Safety Institute –ECSI (August 2016)
  • ProTrainings (September 2020)
  • EnjoyCPR (December 2021)


  1. What vaccines can a pharmacist order and/or administer?

West Virginia law permits pharmacists to order and administer all CDC/Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended vaccines to persons ages 3 years and up based on the immunization schedule available here.  For individuals ages 3 -17 years, the vaccine shall ONLY be administered provided the following are met:  

  • with parental written, informed consent;
  • provided there are no contraindications to that person receiving that vaccine; and
  • after informing the patient and the adult caregiver accompanying the patient of the importance of a well-child visit with a pediatrician or other licensed primary-care provider and referral for patients as appropriate.

Pharmacists are also permitted to administer vaccines in accordance with a prescription order from a healthcare provider for a person age 3 years and up.

  1. What vaccines can a Pharmacy technician and pharmacy interns may administer in WV?

Under 30-5-7(e) and per §15-12, for ages 3 years and up pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians under direct supervision of a registered immunizing pharmacy may administer:

All CDC/Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended vaccines to persons ages 3 years and up based on the immunization schedule available here.  For individuals ages 3 -17 years, the vaccine shall ONLY be administered provided the following are met:  

  • with parental written, informed consent;
  • provided there are no contraindications to that person receiving that vaccine; and
  • after informing the patient and the adult caregiver accompanying the patient of the importance of a well-child visit with a pediatrician or other licensed primary-care provider and referral for patients as appropriate.

The pharmacy technician must have completed Board of Pharmacy approved training for immunization administration, have valid CPR training, be registered with the Board of Pharmacy as a registered immunizing pharmacy technician, and complete 2 hours of continuing education related to immunizations each licensing renewal period.

  1. How does a pharmacy technician register with the Board of Pharmacy to give immunizations?

Complete the following questions and email the attached documents with the email Subject “PT Immunization Registration” to 

We will update your profile.  You will not receive a response from us, but please keep a copy of the email for your records.  We are working on an update in the database where this will be displayed online soon. 

  • Name
  • License #
  • Are you trained to be an Immunizing Pharmacy Technician?  Y/N
  • Please attach proof of APhA Pharmacy Technician Immunization Training or other Board approved training certificate.*
  • Please attach proof of current Board approved CPR training.
Page Updated: 9/24/2024 8:36:22 AM